My cannabis story

I am a cannamom who believes that unity and change can be made through the connection of cannabis and love, helping the world heal.  I want to encourage cannabis lovers to share your cannabis stories, your lessons and gifts from your life journey by sharing my own in the woke and toke community. I want to encourage a community of love and mutual aid, so that we can all grow and rise individually, through our unity. 

The first time I smoked a joint, I was 14.  It was with my cousin and a friend of hers in some ravine in a suburban neighbourhood in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. I remember feeling giddy and happy after, and that I felt better than I did when I first tried alcohol.  When I originally started smoking weed, it was more so a reason of wanting to fit in.  I was a very occasional smoker after that first time.  I smoked only when I was around someone who was smoking and passing.  I had no idea how to roll, and neither my cousin or any other girlfriends that smoked.  I eventually learned how to roll, and started buying my own, but I was still a very occasional smoker.  I would get like a $20 worth which was about a dime bag x2 which used to last me for weeks!  I would mostly smoke when I was going out to a party, which wasn\’t often, or when hanging with friends that smoked, and I never needed much as my tolerance was so low.  At that time of use, I didn\’t know about the benefits of weed like I do now, but I did know that whenever I was high, It helped me be more social, and less shy and less insecure of myself.   It gave me a boost of confidence from feeling sexier therefore helped me to become more relaxed, confident and happy. When hanging out and smoking with friends, depending who I was with, I was usually laughing till I cried, or be engaged in the deepest conversations about life.  My creativity would be on hyper drive and I would have the best ideas and most profound discussions on life.  The frequency of use increased overtime as I discovered more benefits of weed than not. 

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I started using cannabis daily, but my use had started to increase when I found that it helped with my migraines and my insomnia.  I had never thought to smoke when I had a headache, because when I used to smoke cigarettes, smoking one when you had a headache was like punching yourself in the head.  That made me relate headaches getting worse when you smoked during one.  When more and more studies came out to show that it does help with migraines because of its anti-inflammatory properties, I decided to try it during a full-on migraine with spots, nausea, light sensitivity, the whole nine, and I felt a release almost immediately. After only about 30 min, it became a very bearable headache before it completely went away soon after. Migraine sufferers, I know you understand my relief and gratefulness I felt for weed in that moment.  Cannabis took away a migraine that would’ve crippled me for hours, sometimes overnight, with the only solution being ibuprofen and laying down in complete darkness and silence, with both a feeling of pressure about to burst out of your head while a pounding in your head, trying to fall asleep.  Now, whenever I feel a headache coming on, I’ll smoke on the onset and it stops it.   Smoking at night before bed will relax me and eliminate the insomnia I had.

Even with all the benefits I’ve already mentioned with weed, the biggest praise I give to it was the way it helped me through my separation and divorce.  That was a very transformational time in my life, where changes were happening in every aspect of my life and it was completely overwhelming.  I had every emotion a person could possibly feel, from one end of the spectrum to the other. I can’t even fully describe to anyone how it felt except at times it felt like I was drowning and had no idea how I was going to be able to come up for air except for when I smoked.  That first high of the day was like a sigh of relief, where everything that was weighing me down just disappeared, and that relief made me smile.  That relief made me feel like everything is going to be just fine.  How many of you can relate to that relief? Where you feel your shoulders lightened and you can handle whatever it is you’re going through.  That was when I became a daily user.  Daily, microdoses throughout the day, allowed me to function with energy and focus to take care of my girls better.  It enabled me to take it one day at a time, and feel happy enough to not stress, and figure things out with a clearer, as well as more positive mind, born out of a positive emotion rather than a lower vibrational stressed state.  It helped me to keep moving forward when at times I didn’t know how. It lifted me in more ways than just emotionally. It helped me through turbulent times without any negative side effect like I would’ve had I leaned on alcohol or anything else other than weed.

My mission for this company became even clearer after that.  The positive effects of cannabis needs to be highlighted and the stigmas need to be broken.  Cannabis is medicine in so many ways, whether you use it medicinally or recreationally like myself, and it needs to be normalized and accepted like alcohol is.  The stigmas of cannabis users need to dissipate, by changing people’s perspectives.   There are so many of us that are wanting the same normalization of weed, and I believe the best way to do that is together.  I hope to see people really connect with others in the woke and toke community, with the same goal and mindset, regardless of location, race, age or gender, to share your stories, your praises, your gifts, not only to make a positive change for something we believe in but also a growth within ourselves.  I hope the messages on my clothing will connect smokers by relating to one another and inviting conversations, as well as allow people with opposing views to see a different image of a cannabis user rather than commonly portrayed versions.  It’ll give the wearer an uplifting, subtle yet clear voice in support of cannabis that is in line with their style.  My mission is to help heal the world by healing ourselves with the connections created because of cannabis.  I welcome you to join, share and support. With love.

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