Connections through cannabis

Human connection is a vital part of our existence and I believe we all saw, felt and experienced how important human connection really is, from the pandemic last year.  Aside from the needed connection through physical touch, connection with another gives us a sense of belonging and support, and can also help balance and elevate our energies.  We are not a species created to be alone.  We thrive through our connections with others because we are all parts of a whole, but when that connection is severed or not nurtured, it creates a separation, a disconnect, and we can feel that disconnect emotionally, physically and mentally.  It is through our various and unique connection with others that we grow, relate, understand and learn.  Each connection has its own distinct characteristics, its own length of time, its own memories, its own story. Each connection has a purpose to serve in our lives, whether a gift or a lesson.  

I believe that cannabis is a great tool to connect people.  I can’t tell you how many connections I’ve made because of weed.  If I know you are a consumer, I know we’ll get along just fine, and in many cases, great.  Cannabis creates an instant connection, wouldn’t you agree? You immediately like a person more when finding out they share the same appreciation of cannabis, and with that, you’re instantly more open for conversations and possibilities, usually finding more shared interests as you go.  Regardless of gender, race or culture, if the common denominator is weed, positive vibes will flow, even if it’s just for a one-time connection.  Cannabis brings people together, in the same way music and love does, and I can’t think of a better reason why we need to normalize and legalize it.

We are so divided right now, where the focus for many is on the physical differences that we judge each other by, all without knowing anything about them.  If they have a different opinion than ours, we want nothing to do with them, because we think that they’re different from us.  This belief severs the connection of the energy that we’re all a part of, creating the disconnect I had mentioned earlier.  I’m not saying all connections would be great, and I’m not saying let’s all hold hands and sing kumbaya, because there are many unhealed souls out there and we still need to protect our energy by setting boundaries, while wishing them well.  However, if we can all find more ways to connect as a collective, have conversations with a true interest and purpose of understanding them and their perspectives, as well as be more open to share our authentic selves, I believe we would be a lot more united, expanded and healed.   Be willing to listen to each other’s stories and we will find that we are all the same, just with different life experiences and different beliefs shaped from those experiences.  We still share the same basic wants, needs and emotions that all humans possess.  We may find that we still have different views after a conversation and that’s ok.  Communication helps lead to understanding, and understanding stops judgement and creates compassion.  Understanding brings in perspectives rather than rights or wrongs.   We need now more than ever, any and everything that can help us build real and deep connections, based on mutual respect and understanding.  Let us use our shared love and appreciation for cannabis as our “thing” to connect us. Join the community and share yourself, your gifts, your stories, your business….you never know what connections will come about or who you may inspire or help. We can do anything when we believe. We can do even more with support.   Let’s rise our perspectives together.

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