Cannabis and Music

Cannabis and Music are two things that goes together hand in hand so perfectly but just as great on their own.  They are also both great healing tools that connect people who otherwise may not have found common ground initially.  As cannabis users, we all know how cannabis can create instant bonds with strangers, and I would imagine most would say it’s the same with music.  Music is a vibration. Different music caused by different vibrations stirs our bodies in different ways.  There’s music that uplifts us and makes us feel happy, bringing us fun and joy.  Music that speaks to our emotions and brings up any anger or sadness that needs to be released.  There’s music that makes us feel sexy and brings out our sensuality and our desire for sexual pleasure.  Music can also soothe and relax, bringing on restful sleep.  Regardless of what emotions music might stir up in us, it speaks to all of us as in a way that nothing else does.  The beats connect to our bodies, causing us to move, without conscious control sometimes, freeing ourselves from our daily constraints.  Even when sadness or pain is invoked through music, our bodies are still experiencing a release.  Music touches our souls and through it inspires so much other forms of expressions to surface in us, such as dancing, singing, playing instruments and pretty much all other forms of creative expression.  Music helps some find their purpose and their gifts, while providing all, a state of peace and joy.

  For me, the connection to music deepens when I’m high.  I’m able to tap in deeper, feel the vibrations and let the music move me naturally, allowing me to get lost in it.  I’m able to be free and dance like no one is watching.  To feel the drumbeats in my heartbeat.  To flow freely with the melody and beats, while the lyrics paint my emotions.  That’s why when I was younger, and smoked less, I would only smoke when I was out at a club or a party, because not only did it allow me to become more social, it enabled me to dance more without being so conscious of myself.  I would fall into the music and let it move me.  I may have looked better in my head than I did in reality…lol, but whether I did or not, it didn’t matter to me at that moment. 

Music brings up the joy of dance in us.  I had joined a community called pleasure revolution a month back.  The beautiful host of it, Amanda Biccum, had asked us to write down in the chat, a list of things that bring us pleasure, and I would say most people, myself included, had put dancing as one.  Whether you’re a good dancer or not, I would say most people find pleasure and joy in dance, perhaps not in public, but in their own privacy.  The movement of our bodies is necessary, for all aspects of wellness, but when we are moving to the vibration of music, the music that moves our soul, that is not only necessary, it is pure happiness.  You are setting your body free and releasing trapped energy with the movement and you are flowing freely to a rhythm, a beat, and when you add some cannabis into the mix, that connection to the music gets even deeper and you embody the feel of the music.  Pure bliss.  Mmmmm.

So I say, wherever you are right now, if possible, go spark up, put on whatever music moves you, and vibe.  If you have some good company, grab them and strengthen that connection with each other, through some good weed and music.  If not, vibe with yourself and strengthen that connection with self, and allow yourself to feel the pleasure and freedom from a great combination of music and cannabis.

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