Everyday creative expression

Creativity is life.  Without the ability for our mind to imagine and create, life as we know it would be boring.  Everything we have and use daily came from someone’s imagination.  We use creativity to solve problems, to plan something special or fun, to make music that speaks to our emotions or lifts our spirits, to bring colors and beauty into someone’s life, to make items that make a person look good and feel confident, to make machines that takes us from point A to B to C in a desired amount of time, to make food that warms your soul,  and…. well, you get the idea. Creativity makes life worth living.

Cannabis is known for tapping and expanding the creative mind, opening up endless imagination.  Enthusiasts are very familiar with the enhancement of their creative minds through cannabis and will have a session before starting anything that requires creativity.  Strains that enhances creativity are usually sativa strains but with cultivation, there are hybrid strains that are great for creativity as well.  Strains I personally like to use to boost creativity are Jack Herer, sour diesel, and clementine.

 I’m naturally a creative person but when I smoke, ideas, thoughts and words flow easily.   The amount of great ideas I’ve had while high were not only awesome but countless, as I’m sure many of you can say the same, I mean just take a look at emerging in the cannabis industry.  Besides being creative in terms of the arts though, we need to incorporate more creativity into our daily lives.  A lot of us are so disconnected with ourselves and asleep that we don’t need to be creative to function daily. We follow and do what’s popular, or what someone tells us to do.  We became a society of mimickers.  We buy flowers, teddy bears and chocolates for valentine’s day. We take our moms to brunch on mother’s day. Why? Because that’s what we’ve been programmed to do. They tell us, we follow, it’s easy and requires no thinking.  We are the most powerful beings on earth because of our creative ability.  The more awake we are, the more tapped in we are to our creativity, and that’s a threat to those who seek power and control.  In order to be more awake, we need to be present and aware, and have to make the conscious effort to stay aware. If we make the choice to find ways to be more creative in our daily lives, it would require us to observe and think of our daily activities, making us more aware when we go through our day.

Perhaps we could use creative ways to make someone feel loved, not just on holidays but every day.  We have become such a materialistic society that most of us expect to give AND receive monetary valued gifts as forms of love and affection, when making someone feel special only requires some creativity — A tray of beautiful plant medicine from my boo, already rolled or not, with a side of breakfast he prepared??.… that’s a show of love right there!  Which one of you reading this, wouldn’t think that you have the best partner in the world, man or woman, if your partner does this for you, either all the time or once in a while?  

Like I said before, and will say again, creativity makes life worth living.  Let’s wake up our minds  and challenge ourselves to find more ways to be creative daily.  Pick one mundane activity you do daily and see if you can make it more fun by using your creativity!  If you’re a mom, perhaps make up a song with your children to sing for a brain break during homework or during a boring chore. Or write a love message to a loved one using the most expressive and creative words for delivery. Or put your own twist on a classic recipe.  Whatever sparks your creativity that will make your life a little more colorful today.  Comment and let us know if you do try and whether it made your day a little bit more fun or at least the activity more memorable.   Please feel free to share in the community any great ideas you have that could help us use more creativity in our daily lives. You never know what spark that share could create in others.

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